How To Attract Top Talent To Your Company

“You cannot use sardines as bait if you’re trying to catch a shark. Similarly, you will not find someone at the top of the pack professionally, with years of experience and an ambitious spirit if you’re offering entry level or mid level pay. If you are not offering top talent what they are truly worth, then either raise the compensation or lower your standards.”…

Get the Most Out of Your Next Hire!

No matter how big or small your company is, hiring is essential when your company is experiencing growth. Your current employees may begin to become overwhelmed with the workload and that is usually a great sign that your company is increasing in value. So, what do you do? Review your company budget and see if it is time to acquire additional staff. And if that time has arrived, you not only want the best staff, but you want to do your best to retain the talent that you recruited.

Here are three ways to get the most out of your next hire!…

5 Reasons Why You Did Not Get Hired

It feels good to come home after a great interview. The interviewer laughed at your humor, you answered his questions, you gave great eye contact, and well you rocked it! Well, you believe you did. But, as each day goes by, you hear no response. No email, no phone call, and the worries start to sink in because you stopped applying to positions. You thought for sure that you got this job! What happened?

In most cases, you missed the mark in one or more areas. Like many rejection emails, it begins with the word “unfortunately”. You dropped the ball somewhere and you need to know where you went wrong.

Notice these five primary reasons why you did not get hired.

5 Ways To Stand Out And Get The Job!

It’s a whole new world out there! The national unemployment rate is high but companies are still hiring.

Prior to Covid-19, the low unemployment rate meant the job market was less competitive.

Today’s job seeker faces a fiercely competitive job market and companies and recruiters alike are being inundated with resumes!

How do you stand out from the pack and get the job you want when everyone else wants it too? Here are 5 things you must do to stand out and get the job:

5 Reasons To Hire A Recruiter

It can be quite challenging to fill an open role, especially one that requires specific skills and experience. So what is the problem? You may be asking yourself: Is the job description not appealing? Am I marketing the position to attract attention? Is the job description scaring off potential applicants? Whatever the reason is, a recruiter is the solution. Here are five solid reasons to hire a recruiter for your next job opening.

5 Things You Must Do Before Your Next Interview

Do you remember the excitement you had when you received a call or an email from a company that was intrigued by your resume? After all, that decision maker went through hundreds of resumes and only five stuck out and yours happens to be one of them! It leaves you feeling satisfied knowing you beat 98% of the competition without even showing your face!

If you thought that was the hardest part, then you are wrong. Many people have incredible resumes, but their performance during the interview is what cost them from attaining their dream job. Remember, at an interview, you are a salesperson to yourself, explaining in detail why you are the best fit for the company and the role that you applied for. Take note of five key things you must do during your next interview!